The blog about containerisation, virtual machines and useful shell snippets and findings

Tag: nginx

docker-compose, nginx-proxy container and networking

Well, this issue was my pain in the ass until I fully understood what was going on with nginx-proxy container and docker-compose v2

Quick oneliner to determine nginx-proxy is working

where Host is your host and is your nginx server

let’s encrypt certificate for nginx-proxy docker

For coreos that’s enough to use something like this...

jwilder nginx-proxy debug in docker

When your site did not work properly in docker do following

How to debug HTTP traffic on Linux

Short answer: *httpry* is excellent utility for HTTP debugging on Linux

How to expose internal website via nginx-proxy

For instance you have several small-sized dockerized websited on different servers in your internal network with webserver’s IP like 192

Dockerized Gitlab + Registry + nginx-proxy container with SSL

For me worked following configuration for jwilder/nginx-proxy container

nginx-proxy configuration for server sent events and SSL

I’ve encountered issue with dropped SSE connection when deployed SSE based sinatra app with SSL certificates and nginx-proxy docker container

How to debug jwilder/nginx-proxy

It’s common when you use nginx-proxy by jwilder. It supports SSL in clever way, handy configuration for containers via environment variables, but sometimes issues happened

nginx-proxy и docker-compose version 2

нужно просто добавить контейнер в сеть с nginx-proxy примерно так

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