Fully automated docker mysql database backup from remote low-end NAS
The main idea is to have fully automated docker database backup from low end D-Link NAS DNS-320.
Solution design is following:
- My backup box will copy backup.sh script to the remote coreos-03 host.
- Then remote host copies backup.sh script into database container.
- Backup box executes docker command “docker exec itservice_db_1 backup.sh” on coreos-03 host, which, in turn, executes mysqlbackup. SQL dump is captured directly from command output and then gzipped.
- Rsnapshot saves folder with gzipped SQL dump and rotates old backup folders as necessary.
So, we will need only
- ssh
- tar
- rsnapshot
Here is my working implementation:
script backup.sh
## env vars are already in docker container
script backup-coreos-itservice.sh
/ffp/bin/scp /ffp/home/root/backup.sh core@coreos-03:/home/core/itservice/backup.sh
/usr/sbin/ssh -C core@coreos-03 "docker cp /home/core/itservice/backup.sh itservice_db_1:/usr/local/bin/backup.sh"
/usr/sbin/ssh -C core@coreos-03 "docker exec itservice_db_1 /usr/local/bin/backup.sh" > latest.sql
/opt/bin/tar czf itservice-sql-dump.tar.gz latest.sql --remove-files
backup_script /mnt/HD/HD_a2/ffp/home/root/backup-coreos-itservice.sh coreos-03/itservice_db_1
0 */4 * * * rsnapshot hourly
30 3 * * * rsnapshot daily
0 3 * * 1 rsnapshot weekly
30 2 1 * * rsnapshot monthly
Keep in mind, that you will need to generate ssh keys for your backup box and add it to authorized_keys on coreos-03 host, but this is out of scope this article.