The blog about containerisation, virtual machines and useful shell snippets and findings

How to debug jwilder/nginx-proxy

It’s common when you use nginx-proxy by jwilder. It supports SSL in clever way, handy configuration for containers via environment variables, but sometimes issues happened. How can I debug it?

First, check container logs with

docker logs nginx-proxy

then run nginx configuration test with

docker exec nginx-proxy nginx -t

nginx-proxy container should be up and running

In case no issues you should receive output something like this:
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful.

Otherwise number of line with issue will be reported.

Then you should verify configuration, the simplest way is to exec following command:

docker exec nginx-proxy cat /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

I tackled some weird issues when:

  1. I use docker-compose version 2, and nginx-proxy does not have access to frontend network. In this case you should list
docker network ls

to find out yout frontend network name.
7fcacd901d8b bridge bridge
4c795ffb838a  itservice_front-tier bridge
ac4c6aeaf804 itservice_back-tier bridge
55d3d40d2390 none null
d0c498886500 host host


docker connect itservice_front-tier nginx-proxy

and container become accessible.

  1. In case container expose several ports, like odoo container, and none of them is 80 or 443, you should point with VIRTUAL_PORT proper port for proxying. In my case default.conf configuration of nginx pointed that docker container
server down;

is visible, but down. After specifying VIRTUAL_PORT all things has been resolved.